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21.38 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
A series of compounds in foods potentially lowering body resistance. As a result, the immune system decreases and the body susceptible to disease. One substance that serves as the immune system is glutathione, which produced human.

Similarly, discussion threads Glutathione as a health seminar Disease Prevention and Busters, Sunday (17 / 9) in PSIK-STIKes (Centre for Nursing Science, College of Health Sciences) Aisyiah. Seminar organized by the Student Health Network Area Yogyakarta Indonesia. Speakers at a nutritionist from Panti Rapih Yogyakarta Dr. Andry Hartono, and lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Sanata Dharma, Joseph Wijoyo.

Glutathione is produced naturally by the body. The higher the substances that are harmful to the body, the greater the need for glutathione, so that glutathione levels decline. In fact, the high glutathione is one indicator of the body's immune resistance.

Andrew Hartono which highlights the effect of the reduced immune to the disease diabetes, said the lifestyles and prevention of contamination of food into the main solution to prevent the reduction in endurance, including preventing diabetes.

A series of compounds in foods that need to be wary because they contain harmful bacteria or virus is formalin, borax acid, and some types of food coloring. Habit of storing food in plastic bags, especially the black one also must be prevented because the plastic fabric is harmful to the body. Water containing microorganisms also need to watch out because there are bacteria that are harmful to the body. Use a limited need to be applied to products which have been bleached or clarified such as sugar, flour, and oil.

Conversely, foods that are rich in binding free radicals among other fruits and vegetables, sprouts, tubers are eaten with the skin, garlic, and fresh milk. These foods will increase immunity. "As an antioxidant that works in the cell, dubbed as the master antioxidant glutathione or superantioksidan. Glutathione can be a master of oxidants because the molecule is typical, ie Sulf Hydril Glutathione (GSH) with GSH will join the others when it seized H ions by free radicals, "said Andrea.

Wijoyo Yosef added, disease prevention center to be a lively issue in the community today. As a result, the emergence of drugs to enhance the body's defense system to be developed rapidly.
20.17 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
Basically, the doctor has a guide of questions to give antibiotics. Only the most frequently encountered problems is, to distinguish viral infection with mild or moderate bacterial infections, because the symptoms are almost the same.

But the truth of the common symptoms, the doctor based on the knowledge and experience, able to precisely determine the antibiotics. And for us, it is important also to know what are the considerations that make the doctor prescribed antibiotics, so we can eat properly.

Because this is a drug that if taken not by the rules or lack of proper function may cause side effects. So we need to consider when getting a prescription of antibiotics are:

High heat. High body temperature, with a sense of rheumatic pain throughout the body, and accompanied by a trembling of the body such as chills, it could be a bacterial infection. Usually these symptoms will make doctors prescribe antibiotics because it refers to infections caused by bacteria.

But a high body temperature will also be experienced by people with an infection from a virus, like flu. That's why, if the fever is still less than 3 days, you should not directly ask for antibiotics, because it could be due to virus infection.

How long does the pain we feel. If for more than 3 days, the body heat never successfully suppressed with heat-lowering drugs, the doctor will ask us to do blood tests. From here will be seen whether elevated body temperature which is caused by bacteria or viruses. And from there to be determined what the appropriate antibiotic for us if the heat caused by bacteria.

What color is mucus from our nose. If mucus from the nose or a runny nose clear then that we caused by a virus that usually causes flu. But if colored green or yellowish, it's a sign of bacteria in our respiratory tract.
Actually a little snot color can not serve as a guide, because at a certain type of respiratory infection, can also be a greenish color. It's just the color of snot this could be one of the considerations doctors to prescribe antibiotics or not.

Sore throat. Although throat look bright red, but actually that's not what you are looking for a doctor when they want to prescribe antibiotics. Is a white spot which is a sign of bacteria attacking our body, if it is then the doctor would consider giving antibiotics.

In addition to the throat, usually the color of our tongues will become a reference doctor. Pale tongue with white color will usually indicate there is an infection caused by bacteria.

Basically, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics when looking at lab results. Able from blood samples, mucus on the tongue, saliva, and snot. These samples will then be examined to see what really makes our bodies in pain.

So, if doctors prescribe antibiotics, do not hesitate to ask where the lab results that indicate a bacterial attack. And remember to take antibiotics as prescribed until finished. Because if not, when a type of bacteria re-approached, the immune system is not fully formed.
19.53 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
The pattern of life now where the eyes of many overused causing stress on the eye without us knowing it often. You realize the number of people who wear glasses from year to year with the drastic increase? Mencega better than we experienced eye treatment. Here are some tips to keep our eyes to always stay healthy.

Check your eyes every 12 months

Untreated vision problems will grow more severe, you should avoid wearing contact lenses or glasses that are no longer suitable for you because it can cause vision problems and headaches.

Nutrition For Eyes

Recent studies show that vitamin (Health Food) and the group of antioxidants can prevent, or at least slow the growth of macular degeneration and cataracts. Good nutrition for the body is also good for the eyes you can get in Pharmacies Cheap.

Use just enough light

Working with low light can cause eyestrain, but light is too bright nor good. The direction of light works best when using a computer is of a soft luminous table lamp from the side. Reduce levels of light (brightness) monitor. The color is so not too sharp, but the eye will be more comfortable.

Rest your eyes

Almost all people feel their eyes are not so comfortable after sitting all day in front of a computer screen. This is due to eye blinks 25% less than normal, causing dry eye. One thing you can do is close your eyes and count to 5 before opening it again. Another was turned away from the screen and focus on a distant object. Do this for several minutes every 30 minutes.

Use a filter monitor.

To reduce glare and radiation emitted by the monitor, use the monitor glass filter. Talk to your computer equipment vendor to get a good filter and capable mengurangipengaruh radiation, not just dim light of the monitor.


06.13 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | | No comments
There are so many successful young entrepreneurs who started his business with than just a hobby. There are a hobby of collecting antiques, and later became an antique business. There also are happy to keep the fish, ornamental fish and then be there even housewives who like to cook and try new recipes and then turned into a famous caterers.

Hobbies are easy to implement. Even the right word, hobby difficult to abandon. Businesses that are generally initiated from a hobby turned into a success. This is because they loved his work and eager to continue learning to improve his ability.

following characteristics that can be used as a hobby business. If these features exist on yourself, then be prepared to become the next successful entrepreneur


Do you have hobbies that are still fun even if done repeatedly and continuously? If yes, you already have one point to make the hobby as a business. But if you feel bored quickly when conducting ongoing hobby, then that means two indications. The first one, it's not your second hobby you are not able to make the hobby as a business.

Why these features must exist in our business? Because to make the hobby as a business you are required to mengejakannya repeatedly and continuously. Perhaps you have different customers every day, but their requests are usually almost equal to each other. So the first key to make the hobby as a business is able istiqomah or continuous.

whether valuable?

Some hobbies may have high sales value, but others not at all needed by the market. To assess it, you have to do market research first. Are there any that are interested in your hobby or your hobby precisely the opposite has no interest in whatsoever. If this happens, should not be forced rather than later to no avail.

Even so, if you have a great love of your hobby and your marketing skills is good, the hobby is still a chance you know in a profit. Mc Donald used to have to bear the shame because it was ridiculed for selling donuts decorated with some even do not have holes. But now, retail is spread almost all over the world.

Ability to Motivate

Whether your hobby is still able to motivate you to keep fighting until 10-15 years from now? Interesting hobby usually are able to motivate the perpetrators not only 10-15 years but a lifetime. If you have a hobby like this, you get one point again.

Fixed Interest

Businesses that will you carry out must remain attractive despite decades-long. If you start to lose interest in your hobby, then it is the beginning of the bankruptcy of your business. Then try again see if your hobby is so interesting until you will not lose the love of her has occupied despite decades. One point longer entitled to have if your hobby can make you interested in tens of years

When you get four of these points on your hobby, then why wait any longer, brown immediately created a concept and start your business. Perhaps as early still a side business. But over time and increasing your customer, it could be a side business that could be life-sustaining family business.

One thing we want to emphasize here is, "Love your work." If you love the job, so she began to be light and fun for you. Good Success!