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21.38 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
A series of compounds in foods potentially lowering body resistance. As a result, the immune system decreases and the body susceptible to disease. One substance that serves as the immune system is glutathione, which produced human.

Similarly, discussion threads Glutathione as a health seminar Disease Prevention and Busters, Sunday (17 / 9) in PSIK-STIKes (Centre for Nursing Science, College of Health Sciences) Aisyiah. Seminar organized by the Student Health Network Area Yogyakarta Indonesia. Speakers at a nutritionist from Panti Rapih Yogyakarta Dr. Andry Hartono, and lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Sanata Dharma, Joseph Wijoyo.

Glutathione is produced naturally by the body. The higher the substances that are harmful to the body, the greater the need for glutathione, so that glutathione levels decline. In fact, the high glutathione is one indicator of the body's immune resistance.

Andrew Hartono which highlights the effect of the reduced immune to the disease diabetes, said the lifestyles and prevention of contamination of food into the main solution to prevent the reduction in endurance, including preventing diabetes.

A series of compounds in foods that need to be wary because they contain harmful bacteria or virus is formalin, borax acid, and some types of food coloring. Habit of storing food in plastic bags, especially the black one also must be prevented because the plastic fabric is harmful to the body. Water containing microorganisms also need to watch out because there are bacteria that are harmful to the body. Use a limited need to be applied to products which have been bleached or clarified such as sugar, flour, and oil.

Conversely, foods that are rich in binding free radicals among other fruits and vegetables, sprouts, tubers are eaten with the skin, garlic, and fresh milk. These foods will increase immunity. "As an antioxidant that works in the cell, dubbed as the master antioxidant glutathione or superantioksidan. Glutathione can be a master of oxidants because the molecule is typical, ie Sulf Hydril Glutathione (GSH) with GSH will join the others when it seized H ions by free radicals, "said Andrea.

Wijoyo Yosef added, disease prevention center to be a lively issue in the community today. As a result, the emergence of drugs to enhance the body's defense system to be developed rapidly.