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21.38 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
A series of compounds in foods potentially lowering body resistance. As a result, the immune system decreases and the body susceptible to disease. One substance that serves as the immune system is glutathione, which produced human.

Similarly, discussion threads Glutathione as a health seminar Disease Prevention and Busters, Sunday (17 / 9) in PSIK-STIKes (Centre for Nursing Science, College of Health Sciences) Aisyiah. Seminar organized by the Student Health Network Area Yogyakarta Indonesia. Speakers at a nutritionist from Panti Rapih Yogyakarta Dr. Andry Hartono, and lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Sanata Dharma, Joseph Wijoyo.

Glutathione is produced naturally by the body. The higher the substances that are harmful to the body, the greater the need for glutathione, so that glutathione levels decline. In fact, the high glutathione is one indicator of the body's immune resistance.

Andrew Hartono which highlights the effect of the reduced immune to the disease diabetes, said the lifestyles and prevention of contamination of food into the main solution to prevent the reduction in endurance, including preventing diabetes.

A series of compounds in foods that need to be wary because they contain harmful bacteria or virus is formalin, borax acid, and some types of food coloring. Habit of storing food in plastic bags, especially the black one also must be prevented because the plastic fabric is harmful to the body. Water containing microorganisms also need to watch out because there are bacteria that are harmful to the body. Use a limited need to be applied to products which have been bleached or clarified such as sugar, flour, and oil.

Conversely, foods that are rich in binding free radicals among other fruits and vegetables, sprouts, tubers are eaten with the skin, garlic, and fresh milk. These foods will increase immunity. "As an antioxidant that works in the cell, dubbed as the master antioxidant glutathione or superantioksidan. Glutathione can be a master of oxidants because the molecule is typical, ie Sulf Hydril Glutathione (GSH) with GSH will join the others when it seized H ions by free radicals, "said Andrea.

Wijoyo Yosef added, disease prevention center to be a lively issue in the community today. As a result, the emergence of drugs to enhance the body's defense system to be developed rapidly.
20.17 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
Basically, the doctor has a guide of questions to give antibiotics. Only the most frequently encountered problems is, to distinguish viral infection with mild or moderate bacterial infections, because the symptoms are almost the same.

But the truth of the common symptoms, the doctor based on the knowledge and experience, able to precisely determine the antibiotics. And for us, it is important also to know what are the considerations that make the doctor prescribed antibiotics, so we can eat properly.

Because this is a drug that if taken not by the rules or lack of proper function may cause side effects. So we need to consider when getting a prescription of antibiotics are:

High heat. High body temperature, with a sense of rheumatic pain throughout the body, and accompanied by a trembling of the body such as chills, it could be a bacterial infection. Usually these symptoms will make doctors prescribe antibiotics because it refers to infections caused by bacteria.

But a high body temperature will also be experienced by people with an infection from a virus, like flu. That's why, if the fever is still less than 3 days, you should not directly ask for antibiotics, because it could be due to virus infection.

How long does the pain we feel. If for more than 3 days, the body heat never successfully suppressed with heat-lowering drugs, the doctor will ask us to do blood tests. From here will be seen whether elevated body temperature which is caused by bacteria or viruses. And from there to be determined what the appropriate antibiotic for us if the heat caused by bacteria.

What color is mucus from our nose. If mucus from the nose or a runny nose clear then that we caused by a virus that usually causes flu. But if colored green or yellowish, it's a sign of bacteria in our respiratory tract.
Actually a little snot color can not serve as a guide, because at a certain type of respiratory infection, can also be a greenish color. It's just the color of snot this could be one of the considerations doctors to prescribe antibiotics or not.

Sore throat. Although throat look bright red, but actually that's not what you are looking for a doctor when they want to prescribe antibiotics. Is a white spot which is a sign of bacteria attacking our body, if it is then the doctor would consider giving antibiotics.

In addition to the throat, usually the color of our tongues will become a reference doctor. Pale tongue with white color will usually indicate there is an infection caused by bacteria.

Basically, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics when looking at lab results. Able from blood samples, mucus on the tongue, saliva, and snot. These samples will then be examined to see what really makes our bodies in pain.

So, if doctors prescribe antibiotics, do not hesitate to ask where the lab results that indicate a bacterial attack. And remember to take antibiotics as prescribed until finished. Because if not, when a type of bacteria re-approached, the immune system is not fully formed.
19.53 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
The pattern of life now where the eyes of many overused causing stress on the eye without us knowing it often. You realize the number of people who wear glasses from year to year with the drastic increase? Mencega better than we experienced eye treatment. Here are some tips to keep our eyes to always stay healthy.

Check your eyes every 12 months

Untreated vision problems will grow more severe, you should avoid wearing contact lenses or glasses that are no longer suitable for you because it can cause vision problems and headaches.

Nutrition For Eyes

Recent studies show that vitamin (Health Food) and the group of antioxidants can prevent, or at least slow the growth of macular degeneration and cataracts. Good nutrition for the body is also good for the eyes you can get in Pharmacies Cheap.

Use just enough light

Working with low light can cause eyestrain, but light is too bright nor good. The direction of light works best when using a computer is of a soft luminous table lamp from the side. Reduce levels of light (brightness) monitor. The color is so not too sharp, but the eye will be more comfortable.

Rest your eyes

Almost all people feel their eyes are not so comfortable after sitting all day in front of a computer screen. This is due to eye blinks 25% less than normal, causing dry eye. One thing you can do is close your eyes and count to 5 before opening it again. Another was turned away from the screen and focus on a distant object. Do this for several minutes every 30 minutes.

Use a filter monitor.

To reduce glare and radiation emitted by the monitor, use the monitor glass filter. Talk to your computer equipment vendor to get a good filter and capable mengurangipengaruh radiation, not just dim light of the monitor.


06.13 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | | No comments
There are so many successful young entrepreneurs who started his business with than just a hobby. There are a hobby of collecting antiques, and later became an antique business. There also are happy to keep the fish, ornamental fish and then be there even housewives who like to cook and try new recipes and then turned into a famous caterers.

Hobbies are easy to implement. Even the right word, hobby difficult to abandon. Businesses that are generally initiated from a hobby turned into a success. This is because they loved his work and eager to continue learning to improve his ability.

following characteristics that can be used as a hobby business. If these features exist on yourself, then be prepared to become the next successful entrepreneur


Do you have hobbies that are still fun even if done repeatedly and continuously? If yes, you already have one point to make the hobby as a business. But if you feel bored quickly when conducting ongoing hobby, then that means two indications. The first one, it's not your second hobby you are not able to make the hobby as a business.

Why these features must exist in our business? Because to make the hobby as a business you are required to mengejakannya repeatedly and continuously. Perhaps you have different customers every day, but their requests are usually almost equal to each other. So the first key to make the hobby as a business is able istiqomah or continuous.

whether valuable?

Some hobbies may have high sales value, but others not at all needed by the market. To assess it, you have to do market research first. Are there any that are interested in your hobby or your hobby precisely the opposite has no interest in whatsoever. If this happens, should not be forced rather than later to no avail.

Even so, if you have a great love of your hobby and your marketing skills is good, the hobby is still a chance you know in a profit. Mc Donald used to have to bear the shame because it was ridiculed for selling donuts decorated with some even do not have holes. But now, retail is spread almost all over the world.

Ability to Motivate

Whether your hobby is still able to motivate you to keep fighting until 10-15 years from now? Interesting hobby usually are able to motivate the perpetrators not only 10-15 years but a lifetime. If you have a hobby like this, you get one point again.

Fixed Interest

Businesses that will you carry out must remain attractive despite decades-long. If you start to lose interest in your hobby, then it is the beginning of the bankruptcy of your business. Then try again see if your hobby is so interesting until you will not lose the love of her has occupied despite decades. One point longer entitled to have if your hobby can make you interested in tens of years

When you get four of these points on your hobby, then why wait any longer, brown immediately created a concept and start your business. Perhaps as early still a side business. But over time and increasing your customer, it could be a side business that could be life-sustaining family business.

One thing we want to emphasize here is, "Love your work." If you love the job, so she began to be light and fun for you. Good Success!


08.12 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
how to refuel your car or motorcycle? consider the following tips:1. CONTENT OF GASOLINE IN THE MORNING ONLY, when the ground temperature is still cold. Every gas station store gasoline in underground storage space. Colder temperatures, then gasoline will be more solid, while when the temperature warms, gasoline will _memuai _ (!)

So, if we fill petrol in the afternoon or evening (when the ground temperature is still hot), gasoline will expand, which means that VOLUME is read by measuring instruments will be larger than _VOLUME sebenarnya._

In the petroleum business, the addition of 1 degree of temperature difference. But all gas station (service station) does not have the means to compensate for this difference to consumers.

2. * WHEN FILL GASOLINE, DO NOT ADJUST NOZZLE opener so FAST MODE * Mostly because there is our own refueling or self-service. But here we can try telling that to the pump attendant to a slow mode settings (can not you?).

The trigger has 3 levels: low, medium, high. In slow mode, we enter the station slowly, and the result is to minimize the creation of vapor (steam) from the gasoline.

All hoses at the gas station have a vapor return (meaning kira2: the road back for gasoline vapor). If we're setting the FAST mode, then some of the gasoline (which is a liquid) will turn into vapor (steam) and will be sucked back into the storage tank, so the gasoline that goes into the car / motorcycle us fewer than the listed gauge.

Continue to reply in SLOW mode does not have time to turn into steam? maybe so. Or at least more slowly turned into steam. Maybe.

3. * CONTENT OF GASOLINE TANK WHILE STILL CONTAIN HALF (Half-Full) * Because the more we fuel tank containing gasoline, the less air there. Petrol (gasoline) to evaporate much faster than you imagine. Gasoline storage tank has a roof that floats in it (internal floating roof), which serves as a separator between fuel and air in the tank.

Continue to do the same fuel saving what?

maybe like this:
if at the gas station, they have an internal floating roof, so they will not experience reduction in gasoline because it evaporates, while in a car / motorcycle we are not there, so we have to set yourself.

4. * POM WHEN GASOLINE IS CHARGED (NO FILLER TRUCK) Do not fill gasoline *. Most likely the content of gasoline in storage space (storage tank) is being stirred so that the dirt (which usually is at the bottom) would be lifted and can be carried into the gas tank car / motorcycle us.
maybe these tips can be tried when you refuel later. Good luck.
07.58 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
some tips from the cook and make food for the Shrimp Broth

Get a tasty shrimp broth, roasted or grilled skin, and shrimp heads to dry and fragrant. Lift and boil with enough water over low heat until boiling and the water was reduced in part.

Tips: Storing Fresh Tofu

Fresh Tofu can hold stored a few days. Wash out with clean water, drain and put into plastic bags and store in the freezer ... Or soak the tofu in boiled water and keep refrigerated.

tips: Eggs Dadar

In order omelet is more gentle and fragrant, add 1 tablespoon of flour and teaspoon garlic grated into the 2 eggs

shake. Whisk until blended and season other seasonings to taste.

Tips: Storing Bread

To get fresh bread is always fresh and fragrant, the way

easy. Insert bread into a plastic bag, seal tightly,

store in freezer. If you want to eat, remove from freezer,

let stand a few moments until the room temperature.

Tips: Serve Cold Drinks

If you will serve cold drinks, you should keep the glasses

in the freezer for 1-2 hours to cool and dewy. Pour

cold drinks, it seems to be more fresh and durable cold.

Tips: Getting The Most Santan

To obtain a lot of coconut milk and pure white, select the coconut is old, peel husk and scar. Squeeze the grated coconut with hot water for coconut milk out more.

tips: Time Roti Tawar

There is residual white bread? Stir in butter with a little cheese and pepper and rub on the surface of the bread. Cut into pieces and bake until dry. Become a tasty snack or a good friend to eat soup.

tips: chop Garlic

When chopping garlic, season with salt for garlic

tercincang fine and the juice can remain durable.

Tips: Storing Food in the Refrigerator

If you want to store cooked food in the refrigerator, do not forget

cover with a sheet of plastic, or wrap with plastic wrap thin / translucent or put it in a sealed container. Because if exposed to cold air in the fluid will be pushed out of food and food becomes dry.

tips: Save the Egg Yolk

When making cakes, egg yolks left over a lot? Enter in the container,

season a little sugar, stir well and store in freezer. If

want to use it, lumerkan at room temperature.

tips: Fry Cassava

Fried cassava 1 / 2 cooked, heat-heat time newly appointed from the frying pan directly on the insert into salt water (can add garlic) so directly absorb smoke and water directly. Take a few moments until a new sink in a bit fried again. Guaranteed chap-fracturing with empuknya and flavor marinade really feels.

Tips: Free of Fleas

For soya bean and glutinous rice free of ticks when stored longer, add 1 or 2 dried red chilies in a container and cover tightly penyimpannya.

Tips: Saving Santan

Want to save the coconut milk? Boil coconut milk with a little salt and let cool. Place in plastic bag and store in freezer. Coconut milk can be retained for up to 1 month. If not given the salt can hold about 2 days.

tips: More Sedap Tomato Sauce

Want a sense of bottled tomato sauce is more savory? Add 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley or finely chopped celery for every 5 tablespoons bottled tomato sauce ...

tips: Pecan Umami

Before mashed, roasted or grilled until slightly brown walnut.

Pecan become more tasty and fragrant aroma.

tips: Make croquettes

After croquettes coated PANIR flour, store in refrigerator for 30 minutes so the flour coating is attached panirnya perfect. Fry in oil and the results are much smoother and the croquettes into menggorengpun used oil is not dirty.

Tips: Powder Sugar

In making cake, sifted powdered sugar twice in order to truly unravel so easily dissolve when shaken. Because the powdered sugar that are sold are usually mixed with corn flour and clotted.

tips: Crisp & Crunchy Potato Chips

When making potato chips, soak 1 kg of sliced potatoes in clean water spiked with 2 tablespoons water whiting. Take a few moments, drain and fry in oil until golden yellow lot. The result is more crisp and crunchy chips.

tips: Ketan Legit

To obtain a soft and sweet sticky rice, after being washed, soaked glutinous rice for at least 3 hours in cold water. Drain and create aronan and steamed until cooked.

Tips: Garlic

Before you chop garlic, crushed garlic following first skin for flavor that sits at the center outward and then garlic peeled and chopped fine or coarse according to the needs of your recipe.

tips: Rice fluffier & Soft

To obtain more rice fluffier and softer, add 2 tablespoons of white glutinous rice at every 1 kg of rice. Mix and wash the two types

rice and process as usual.

tips: Broiler Meat Processing

The smell of chicken / broiler is usually very sharp and distinctive. For

reduce this smell, coat each 1 kg of chicken cutlet with

1 tsp grated garlic and 1 teaspoon grated ginger. Let stand at least 30 minutes, drain and process according to your recipe.

tips: Scrambled Eggs

To get the scrambled eggs (scramble eggs) is tasty and creamy taste, add 2 tablespoons milk 1 tablespoon of liquid or cream for each of 4 eggs. Use the butter to fry for more savory flavor and taste.

Tip: Goat Meat Processing

Choose a young lamb. Before processing, coat lamb with grated pineapple, let stand 30 minutes, then rinse and then processed as needed.

tips: Scorched Food Stains on Stove

Furnace gas stove you burned food stains? Sprinkle the stain or the crusty with ash. Rub vigorously with a cloth soaked with warm water and then wipe again with a clean cloth.

Tips: Free of odor Durian

Want to save durian and free of sharp smell? Wrap meat

The following durian fruit seeds with aluminum foil, put into

container, cover tightly and store in freezer. We will eat, remove from freezer and let stand at room temperature until melted.

Well good luck.

07.56 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
Starting from trying to

Cooking vegetables need special tips.One process, the nutrients and minerals can be damaged or evaporate in vain. How healthy is the recommended mengonsumi fresh vegetables without cooking. Only, sometimes washing the vegetables until they are clean enough not to kill any bacteria and germs in the vegetables.

After all not everyone is suitable to eat raw vegetables. Different immune responses or pregnant women with a body that is more sensitive, can make raw vegetables become dangerous when consumed. So no other adacara safest besides cooking. Here are tips how to cook vegetables for good nutrition to stay awake even have to come into contact with high temperatures during processing.

Memangang. Skin vegetables will keep most of the nutritional value of vegetables. When grilling, vegetables must be accompanied by a high water content so as not to dry out. Vegetables from the roots is the best type for baking, such as potatoes, onions, or tomatoes.

Steaming. Process the vegetables by steaming is probably the best way to cook all types of vegetables. This method can maintain nutrition and vegetables ripen in a short time.

High Pressure / Presto. Cooking vegetables in a high pressure will condense the cooking time so that they can save nutrients. The problem is, if you are too old, even in a short period, vegetable will become mushy. Moreover, all the vegetable has a different texture and density, so make sure the type of vegetable and appropriate period if the high-pressure pans become your choice. As long as you can, avoid cooking vegetables with presto.

Sautéing. This is one quick way to cook vegetables on a flat pan with a little vegetable oil. Above the curved griddle also legal. But remember, when cooking vegetables with oil, fat soluble vitamins may end up with oil. It's good you do not discard the oil.

Cooking without water. This method is good for green leafy vegetables by relying on the water clinging to leaves after washing vegetables. This usually takes three to five minutes.

Boil. Boiling vegetables is the best way is not recommended because the risk of nutrient loss is very large. If you must use this method, add the vegetables only after the water begins to boil and cook briefly as possible. Tips for cooking with boiling

1. Let the boiling water for approximately two minutes until the oxygen is reduced. Oxygen in airlah that cause, vitamin C in vegetables evaporate.
2. Never boil vegetables that are placed directly in cold water. It would only reduce the levels of vitamin C, 10 to 12 times.



19.39 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | | No comments
Making money with adwords is a way for people to reach financial freedom especially when they hate the constriction of their corporate or regular day jobs. It has been a hit among lots of people because the internet has opened up a big opportunity for people.

Most work-at-home concepts that are successful rely on starting with relatively little cost. Only with low-costs, can profits easily be realized. For example, if one were to start a brick-and-mortar business, the expenses of offices, inventory, and paying suppliers would be massive.

If we look at internet money making concepts however, you'll see that it is not this difficult to begin. Without the need for inventory, your business reduces down to a mere internet connection and need of nothing more.

With this in mind, one can also attain not just financial freedom, but also geographic freedom by making money through concepts like Making money with adwords. There is also the advantage of speed to reaching markets online. On the internet, you can reach millions of people without hours. It truly is this powerful.

This is among the many reasons that people love working online. As an added benefit, you get to spend time with your kids, family, friends or whatever you wish. One can even be on an exotic island and continue to work hassle free of bosses or corporate hierarchy.

If we look at some of the biggest companies out there today, they include internet companies such as eBay, Google, Amazon, Yahoo and others. The thing to remember is that just 15 years ago, many of these companies did not even exist. It is amazing what the internet has done for the founders of these companies.

The same benefit applies to you if you start working online and see how easy it potentially can be to generate a lot of money. Even extra income can be gotten through things like Making money with adwords.
19.32 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | | No comments
A common problem of home-based business
The newly developed home-based businesses try to establish themselves by portraying a professional image using an 08 number. A home based business which has bought an 08 number for the telecommunication medium for business can face a problem that most of the home-based businesses face. A home-based bussines man who has bought for example an 0844 number mapped to his home landline will receive two types of calls on his phone. One is the calls that were made on 0844 number that he has bought a i.e. the business call and the other type of calls he will be receiving are the calls that were made on his landline number i.e. his personal calls. Now, how will he be able to differentiate among the two type of calls before picking the phone up. If he picks up the a business call, thinking of it being a personal call , and say “hello”; this will portray an unprofessional image of his business to the caller. And small and newly developed business are cannot not afford its image to be disturbed, so a welcome message needs to be played to give a professional image. The call whisper service provided with the 0844 numbers comes in here to solve this problem. It provides a service though which you will be able to differentiate between your personal/landline calls and your business/0844 numbers calls. This way you know when a professional message is to be played for a potential customer or when should you say a friendly “hello” to your friend who is calling on your landline.
19.27 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
As a home based business owner of 30 years, I understand why you want to go into business for yourself from home. I totally get it. But before you make the flying leap home, you might want to hear from someone who has been doing it for a long time, and even when it wasn’t popular to do so.
Now the grass isn’t always greener, and sometimes it really is! I am in the process of writing a book on this subject, so this is only a very small overview, but to get started in making this important decision, you will want to consider the advantages of working from home, as well as disadvantages. Once you do, you will be closer to understanding if you possess the personality, temperament, and work style to be successful with a home based business.

The Advantages:

1. Parenting: If you are a primary parent, a home-based business allows you the flexibility to be a successful and efficient parent.
2. Other household income: With another person in the household (husband, wife, housemate, living in partner) with a solid income, the advantage is that you also have the flexibility to support their infrastructure; to allow them more comfort and success in their work. Their stable paycheck can offset a self-employment income that may offer bigger paydays, but paydays that are inconsistent. They home bussines flexibility provides household management security.
3. Home schooling: Parents who home school can balance the task of home schooling their children while making a part time income from home. A synergy can be created with these two undertakings.

The Disadvantages:

1. Multi-tasking: If you are not good at multi-tasking, this can be an overwhelming kind of life style. It may seem like you are constantly running in circles, with little to no control However, If you are good at time management, and at multitasking, and project management, this will be an advantage.
2. Just say No: If you are not good at saying no. What happens to a self-employed person is that people think that you are “not working” because you do not have a “visible job.” So they will ask you favors, or ask you to volunteer, or ask you to work for them, without realizing they are cutting into your workday. You will not make an income from home is you are not able to say no to favors, and no to interruptions during your work day.
3. Leadership: If you need someone to tell you what to do, this is a disadvantage for working from home. You will need to be your own boss, and that means every day you will have to assign yourself work. You will also need to assign yourself time off, and tell yourself it is time to go home, er, that it is time to “stop working.”



01.54 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
A specific research proved that those who wish to work-from-home both on a full-time or part-time schedule will probably search for opportunities on the internet. On the other hand, not every one of the options is there. However, probably the most powerful opportunities are:

1. Internet affiliate marketing
Internet affiliate marketing covers the majority of the home-based business types. It is because this system will surely offer you a great sum of earnings over time. In the event that someone informs you they have made more than $10,000 last month performing affiliate marketing, don't giggle off believing they're putting you on. It is true. Many people can definitely make that much. You can make that significant amount of cash simply by deciding on the best program, applying the proper marketing techniques, and understanding the proper abilities. Come up with a study regarding how real people generate income through affiliate marketing so you may even state that you can do this on your own.

2. Taking surveys
Once again, do not laugh if someone informs you that they're paid for frequently performing simple surveys. Did you know that many businesses are spending a great deal simply to have the opinions from a common merchandise consumer? Major producing companies seek the services of research firms so they would know the message from the public. Will you be more determined to complete a 6 page survey once you know you will be compensated $5 for this? So now, let's say you respond to 10 of these each day? Are you aware just how much you will make in a one month's period? And all of this for just having to spend less than one hour each day!

3. Pay per click advertising and marketing - quite a lot of web masters these days are generating a nice income with their websites. And these websites will not always hold affiliate marketing back links at this. Websites like these are generally information-rich websites which provide nothing but intriguing content articles, testimonies, as well as information about a specific notion. Just how do these folks get paid? The simple answer is as a result of pay per click advertising and marketing. Pay per click marketing is actually perfected by Google AdWords. With this system, you are able to join both as an advertiser or a publisher. Being a publisher, your task would be to place associated advertisements on your website. That is not difficult because this method is automated. All you need to do would be to place the script in your website as well as associated advertisements might pop out. For each website visitor you have and who presses the advertise website, you can make an equivalent sum of money. It may well be a couple of cents or even a buck or so. This is a great way to make money due to the fact basically; you're not performing anything more. Your task is simply to improve your website from time to time. Just be sure that the site visitors appear and disappear clicking on the correct locations and you will be ready for success. You can also make some cash during sleep.
01.35 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
You are thinking about starting a business from home. You can't wait to get going. These are ten steps to take straight away to make sure your home based business gets off to a great start.

Involve your family

This is a home based business so include your family from the start. Ask for suggestions, discuss possible problems and find solutions together. Get your family excited about your new home business, their support will make it much easier.

Create a working space for your home business

Every home based business needs its own space even in the smallest of homes. You need to create a comfortable and convenient area for your home business. This can range from the corner of a room to the basement to a converted closet. Whatever the design this should be your own special work space.

Complete all the basics before you open your business

There are certain preliminaries that need to be done when starting a business from home. These may include registering your home business, obtaining required licenses and permits and organizing suppliers, equipment and promotional material. You can start running your business properly from day one if you have all the preliminaries in place.

Monitor expenses carefully

Keep within your budget and keep expenses as low as possible when starting your home business. Only buy what you need to start your business. New business owners often purchase unnecessary items for their start up and find it difficult to turn a profit.

Know your product or service

This is your business and you need to know everything possible about what you are selling. Do your homework and be fully informed about what you are doing. You are the expert so make sure you have all the right answers about your business.

Price your product properly

Do your research and make sure your product or service is priced fairly. Don't undersell your service or product, you want to make money when starting a business from home, but you also need to be competitive.

Plan your marketing strategy

How will you advertise your product or service and attract customers? It is important to have a plan of action in place for promoting your home business. There are many affordable options for creating awareness and getting customers - consider which will work best for your business.

Understand the competition

What can you learn from your competition? Study your competitors and find out what you can do to make your product stand out from the competition. Knowing the competition is key to a successful business.

Be prepared to be flexible

The only certainty in life is change! Be willing to adapt to changing circumstances or new situations. Your business plan and strategy cannot be cast in stone - as your business develops you will need to adjust according to what you have learned.

Stay positive

Starting a business from home takes resilience as challenges and problems occur. Stay enthusiastic and positive and you will succeed. Avoid moaning to customers about bad suppliers, high expenses or other common business problems, no one wants to do business with a dismal person.
01.28 | by IWOK ( IKATAN WONG KENTHER ) | Categories: | No comments
Three Ways To Keep Motivated
by: Neill Thompson

Working from house is something that the majority of us dreamed of at 1 stage. The reality of working from home isn't in any way what numerous individuals think it would be. Its difficult ans it may be incredibly hard to maintain a balanced existence. Needing to "go to work" each and every day a minimum of provides you a construction. You have to be at a certain location at a particular time and to get a set amount of hrs. Operating for yourself has no structure - apart from the construction that you produce. Its all on you and unless of course you are somebody who is driven it can be a actual challenge.

One of the biggest problems whenever you function from house is to stay motivated. With no one pushing you and no one driving you it can be extremely tough to stay motivated and to maintain heading when things get tough.

So, how do you stay motivated? Here are three easy suggestions that is confirmed to function.

1. Set Goals

By setting your self compelling objectives motivating turns into a lot easier. Objectives will give you something to function in the direction of. It gives you direction and it gives you concentrate that is really essential in obtaining you through the tough occasions.

2. Reward Your self

When you are operating from home you are able to easily get caught up inside your little world. You need to find ways to reward yourself for achieving objectives. Right after all, you do not possess a boss that will provide you with a pat in your back. You have to discover methods to give yourself a pat on the back again because it will encourage you.

3.Discover Your "Why"

You should find a cause to obtain from bed each and every morning. What drives you and why do you do what you do. Keeping this cause in the forefront of your every day function can help you to help keep perspective and it'll give you that internal drive that all of us require when we work on your own.

For those who have kids then it may be a real distraction and it can often demotivate you to be in your office working while your children are just about the corner. Its essential to set extremely firm guidelines inside your family on what is acceptable and what not. In the end its a actual privilege to have the flexibility but it can function in opposition to you unless you've the diligence and the self determination.Learn how to make money from writing and see the best places to find freelance writer jobs.